Possible Release: Shakugan no Shana II 1920x1080

2008/03/31 |

No April's fool. It's probably a horrible upscale but it's worth a try. I'll report later.

Proof that I'm not joking:

[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第23話 「危難の胎動」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 807,254,388 fd83a3892e13b7ef57f4dfaa47d6eb0f6e0763c8
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第22話 「クリスマス・イブ」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 398,193,030 3c394562e1b289a0d1318efaeafb13c06727039a
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第21話 「合わさる力」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 747,694,539 9ae2586de01018663b0c3a8134dbb83996904d95
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第21話 「合わさる力」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 732,375,756 3a294a29c981e94a32daa09bc7e7afebb1671c66
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第20話 「茜色の死闘」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 738,345,648 4f7cdc8a1dd2ffa6add95490a1ad8e7bf73fdef1
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第19話 「言えなかったこと」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 496,342,758 54d6a6395f9bbd08b9759469b0ed1c2990e7287a
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第18話 「錯綜の悠二」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 396,819,789 98eac0e2e74511bd40a0d48b69abbb3fca42efdd
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第17話 「それぞれの道」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 388,646,127 bc93639577eeb7e1f728010e7fbe2cb6214c0d09
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第16話 「つきせぬ想い」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 388,728,357 8ce98ab37c3ac7f86dd20e2b48c1755988fa8859
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第15話 「覚醒」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 716,932,956 cff09ee02b5311972fdfb615592069a8f39f0291
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第14話 「永遠の恋人」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 451,741,206 22a7febc5be515d70373e607c3f68ebf33c0f479
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第13話 「約束、そして兆し」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 784,312,218 3e809764c30136fa348c91fc9c5e2b0f1e6cf86b
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第12話 「清秋祭始まる」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 552,374,268 8fdb683234853565d7075a167f9ca1f587592345
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第11話 「約束の二人」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 468,779,244 92915f797b86bb7079ba903beddd64b3a9faada3
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第10話 「帰って来た男」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 489,098,295 5b726344f913cf56a2ed55cff68c95ea078357d9
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第09話 「哀しみのマイルストーン」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 709,770,723 e94607e50ff981a5c323093b277ba94080824d8f
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第08話 「過去への扉」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 568,154,217 ba77759a28ff6dc25c88053eb17afd18b7b8c718
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第07話 「池速人、栄光の日」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 497,345,964 1eb79bd5dbd07eb3c81634c19e91220e4e8c7826
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第06話 「試練の前夜」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 413,866,068 85a2d774432b227da442c3300d4e9636d15ff3b2
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第05話 「家族の食卓」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 447,021,204 fa7e42d4132aed35fd0c3807cec486faf0b8b8f4
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第04話 「憂いの少女達」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 496,096,068 b258898fa30a48c34bd4f687acdab35e91371977
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第03話 「疑惑の転校生」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv 氷雨RY1MAIyyAV 497,674,884 ff2a58c1730c6c9083c6daf2bef4140ecd5a45ad
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第03話 「疑惑の転校生」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 497,674,884 ff2a58c1730c6c9083c6daf2bef4140ecd5a45ad
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第02話 「全ての序章」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 531,989,463 589ca92afdef4358b25e07bc36f61b3fafd8721f
[アニメ] 灼眼のシャナII -second- 第01話 「再びの刻」 (D-TBS WMV9 1920x1080).wmv ORInthDExF 594,212,904 3049a6e4d5f462c3bbd22edccb0e7842cf920d0d

[アニメ] 俗・さよなら絶望先生 第12話 「着陸の栄え/或る女 役/波に乗ってくるポロロッカ」 (BS11 x264 1280x720 afs AAC).mp4 BS2DBUB0xb 448,630,747 4c81e245ac53bea23f632ac74076a35332d38389

There's going to be a second season of Hayate no Gotoku so to celebrate there will be a hayatakun flood soon.

No True Tears 11 yet. I keep looking for it, if I ever give up I'll let you know, so if I don't say anything I'm still looking.


True Tears 01 (DVD?) - 1920x1080 h264 AAC

2008/03/28 |

I didn't find True Tears 11 yet on share my apologizes.
If you downloaded True Tears 01 a long ago you might want to reconsider downloading it now.

[aniserv] DVD - true tears - 01 - [1920x1080 H.​264].​mp4

I never uploaded mine because some others already existed, so comparing to my source has a few mistakes here and there from upscaling solved. The layouts are mor sharp in some situations, so it's good. There's a standard anime notification and sponsors removed so the subs needs a time shifting.

Probably this raw will be more gentle with slow computers. 24fps instead of 120fps.

Well here's my word on this raw.

It was marked as fake on Share that's why I didn't find it:
[アニメ DVD] true tears 第01話 「私…涙、あげちゃったから」 [1920x1080 H.264].mp4 PS3專用動畫IDf6v22XCO 561,414,631 238f6f0e5c0e96c1afa200bce5093e9102b7b76f

There's a small chance that the guy is redoing all the upscales from the DVD and we won't be seeing true tears 11 anytime soon, I'll keep you informed

[アニメ] 俗・さよなら絶望先生 第11話 「黒い十二人の絶望少女/今月今夜この月が僕の涙で曇りますように」 (BS11 x264 1280x720 afs AAC).mp4

True Tears 11 not yet out. Blame Share for this.


Original File Info
[アニメ] 俗・さよなら絶望先生 第10話 「劣化流水/痴人のアリ/一見の條件」 (BS11 x264 1280x720 afs AAC).mp4 BS2DBUB0xb 534,522,649 644018b85459c49c5bbc939de637549c2f602476


Release: True Tears 10 H.264 1920x1080

2008/03/14 |

This episode is made of win. And yes it's late, but only 10 hours since the raw appeared. Other random news: Shigofumi dropped, blame the animation studio and hope it gets fixed on DVD because my source for it is good in ripping.

Original File Info
[アニメ] true tears 第10話 「全部ちゃんとするから」(ED60p)(OP完成) [1920x1080 H.264].mp4 PS3專用動畫IDf6v22XCO 670,357,776 84ca705a909c533e66fd8a424d331d81c6a09f2c


Subtitles (Already available now)

Original File Info
[アニメ] 俗・さよなら絶望先生 第09話 「一人より女夫の方がええいうことでっしゃろ/奥の抜け道/絶望ファイト」 (BS11 x264 1280x720 afs AAC).mp4 BS2DBUB0xb 587,705,494 56927cf5a6fcfa67dddb8f0270229eef10ba7640


Release: Shigofumi 01 x264 AAC 1280x720

2008/03/08 |

Original File Info

[アニメ] シゴフミ 第01話 「コクハク」 (BS11 x264 1280x720 AAC).mp4 BS2DBUB0xb 262,074,071 b094d31610d1513d1dd2be2658a3ec2e08c18d82

Same source as Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei


Possible release: Shigofumi (part 2)


I'm not sure why, but I'm not convinced about the quality. I'll try extract the opning to share or something. Source would be the same as Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (ANIME+).
If somebody is aware which fansub has the best quality with this series let me know so I can compare.

Possible release: Shigofumi


(アニメ) シゴフミ 第01話 「コクハク」(BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv

After watching it myself and posting some screenshots I'll think about releasing it or not

Release: Hayate no Gotoku! 06 h264 AAC 1920X1080

2008/03/07 |

Original File Info

[アニメ] ハヤテのごとく! 第06話 「時が見えると君は言うけど、たぶんそれは走馬灯」 (BS-J 1920x1080 x264 120fps).avi milkypj0hajMDOK 541,136,714 60b44531f58cad8424bfb01e00c898fac5dfc237



Shigofumi looks interesting, I'll give a look for raw hunting and will be back with a report un Sunday / Mionday

Original File Info

[アニメ] ハヤテのごとく! 第05話 「不用意なボケと優しさが不幸を呼ぶ」 (BS-J 1920x1080 x264).mp4 8e3WXRH1Y3 734,307,568 5729d5b035e4332ccfb48a64120860611dc3eed6


Subtitles (available later)

Expect another episode this night

Release: Hayate no Gotoku! 04 h264 AAC 1920X1080

2008/03/06 |

Original File Info

[アニメ] ハヤテのごとく! 第04話 「はぢめてのおつかい~こちらスネーク。誰も応答しない」 (BS-J 1920x1080 x264).mp4 8e3WXRH1Y3 709,077,730 0384efc53d943f877edad5951f2e1480b76dfa10


English Subtitles (Maybe later)

Original File Info

[アニメ] ハヤテのごとく! 第03話 「世界の中心でアイを叫んだり叫ばなかったりな獣とロボと執事」 (BS-J 1920x1080 x264).mp4 8e3WXRH1Y3 681,904,761 f61d8c06a4d21759c3a0f405b423be590cc6e0ce


Subtibles (Maybe available later)

Release: True Tears 09 H.264 1920x1080

2008/03/05 |

Original File Info

[アニメ] true tears 第09話 「なかなか飛べないね」(ED60p) [1920x1080 H.264].mp4 PS3專用動畫IDf6v22XCO 585,951,589 e6743778828b2b582f26cc1ef4946d95d7834001


Subtitles (external)

and yes I'm a hiromifag

Original File Info:
[アニメ] 俗・さよなら絶望先生 第08話 「スパイナツプリン/暴露の実の熟する時/半分捕物帖」 (BS11 x264 1280x720 afs AAC).mp4 BS2DBUB0xb 494,531,043 3f564381ab3d5db1ec80fb8a410c75a803b24821
