Possible release: Shigofumi (part 2)

2008/03/08 |

I'm not sure why, but I'm not convinced about the quality. I'll try extract the opning to share or something. Source would be the same as Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (ANIME+).
If somebody is aware which fansub has the best quality with this series let me know so I can compare.


Mr. sickVisionz さんのコメント...
Mr. sickVisionz さんのコメント...

If its episode one, try out Menclave (www.mymenclave.com). They spoke about searching hard for a quality raw (to no avail) so I think their's is likely the best. According to anidb, they're the best as well.

One issue they came across was that some raws were higher resolution, but they seemed to just be upscales. Basically the same blurry image, just bigger.

AuAuDisro さんのコメント...

That's the impression I get with this raw I'll try to get the Opening and let you judge

Grey Fox さんのコメント...

I watching BakaWolf-m.3.3.w-w.0.0.f fansab. H.264 version is good for watching and source ANIME+ for this.
Befor I download this source, but now no one released it =(
BS11​_1280x720 DivX6.7 avi from ID C22ddElAac